Here we present a study of the abundance and orientation of planar deformation features (PDFs) in the Vakkejokk Breccia, a proposed lower Cambrian impact ejecta layer in the North-Swedish Caledonides. The presence of PDFs is widely accepted as evidence for shock metamorphism associated with cosmic impact events and their presence confirms that the Vakkejokk Breccia is indeed the result of an impact. The breccia has previously been divided into four lithological subunits (from bottom to top), viz. lower polymict breccia (LPB), graded polymict breccia (GPB), top sandstone (TS), and top conglomerate (TC). Here we show that the LPB contains no shock metamorphic features, indicating that the material derives from just outside of the crater and represents low-shock semi-autochthonous bombarded strata. In the overlying, more fine-grained GPB and TS, quartz grains with PDFs are relatively abundant (2?5% of the grain population), and with higher shock levels in the upper parts, suggesting that they have formed by reworking of more distal ejecta by resurge of water toward the crater in a marine setting. The absence of shocked quartz grains in the TC indicates that this unit represents later slumps associated with weathering and erosion of the protruding crater rim. Sparse shocked quartz grains (<0.2%) were also found in sandstone beds occurring at the same stratigraphic level as the Vakkejokk Breccia 15?20 km from the inferred crater site. It is currently unresolved whether the sandstone at these distal sites is related to the impact or just contains rare reworked quartz grains with PDFs.
A major allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides, the Seve belt has traditionally been considered to be derived from the rifted margin and continent-ocean transition (COT) of Baltica. However, geochronological results obtained from its inferred northern equivalent, the Kalak Nappe Complex (KNC), have been taken to indicate an exotic affinity of this complex and of also Seve terranes, an interpretation adopted in recent palaeogeographic models. In the Kebnekaise Mts., the COT is represented by the Kebnekaise terrane composed of amphibolitized dykes of gabbro and dolerite of depleted magma source and rare felsic and ultramafic rocks. Coronitic dolerite and gabbro with abundant rutile suggest high pressures before or during amalgamation with the underlying Mårma terrane, composed of quartzofeldspathic gneisses intruded by mafic and granitic rocks, the latter including a previously dated c. 845 Ma-old granite. The granite mingled with mildly alkaline dolerites chemically similar to transitional basalts of continental rifts. Following emplacement at shallow (andalusite stability) crustal levels, the igneous complex and host rocks underwent extensive deformation, metamorphism within the sillimanite-kyanite stability field and local migmatization. The Kebnekaise and Mårma terranes amalgamated in early Ordovician as indicated by the U-Pb age of 487±7 Ma obtained from titanite fabrics of deformed granite in thrust vicinity, and by 40Ar-39Ar results. The pressure increase in both terranes suggests that amalgamation occurred during initial subduction and imbrication. Correlation of the Mårma terrane with the KNC is discussed. Results obtained in this study give no reason to ascribe an exotic affinity to the Seve terranes of the Kebnekaise Mts.
Although burial of surface organic soil horizons into deeper mineral soil layers helps drive the long-term buildup of carbon in arctic soils, when and why buried horizons formed as result of cryoturbation in northern Sweden remain unclear. In this study, we used C-14 and Pb-210 dating to assess when organic matter was buried within non-sorted circles fields near Abisko in northern Sweden. In addition, we used aerial photos from 1959 and 2008 to detect eventual trends in cryogenic activities during this period. We found that organic matter from former organic horizons (stratigraphically intact or partly fragmented) corresponds to three major periods: 0-100 A. D., 900-1250 A. D., and 1650-1950 A. D. The latter two periods were indicated by several dated samples, while the extent of the oldest period is more uncertainty (indicated by only one sample). The aerial photos suggest a net overgrowth by shrub vegetation of previously exposed mineral soil surfaces since 1959. This overgrowth trend was seen in most of the studied fields (92 out of 137 analyzed fields), indicating that the cryogenic activity has mainly decreased in studied non-sorted circles fields since the 1950s. This latter interpretation is also supported by the absence of buried organic layers formed during the last decades. We suggest that the organic matter was buried during the transition from longer cold periods to warmer conditions. We believe these climatic shifts could have triggered regional scale burial of soil organic matter and thus affected how these soils sequestered carbon.
An interglacial mudstone sequence from the Port Askaig Tillite Formation on Islay was analysed using an Olympus XRF detector. The resulting geochemical log was compared with an XRF dataset acquired from a Quaternary sedimentary core from the Lomonosov Ridge in the Arctic Ocean. Chemical proxies representing climatic and environmental changes were analysed in an effort to specifically identify evidence of orbital forcing in the Cryogenian Period.
The studied non-glacial rock-section from the Port Askaig Formation was interpreted as being deposited in a shallow marine setting at semitropical latitudes during an episode of global warming at some stage of the Sturtian glaciation (ca 717 – 660 Ma). The transport mechanism of glaciogenic material was by ice rafting. High hematite content was interpreted as an oxygenation event in a peritidal zone when isostatic rebound caused a sea level regression. Increasing amount of muscovite is interpreted to indicate increased weathering. Underlaying sequence of dolostone and overlaying sequence of sandstone were consistent with these interpretations. One interglacial phase is thus observed, which possibly could be attributed to Milankovitch orbital forcing.
The interpretation of the paleoclimatic setting of the studied interglacial mudstone did not provide support for the Snowball Earth hypothesis in its “hard” version. Neither did other observations such as evidence of repeating glacial-interglacial cycles and banded iron formations (BIF) appearing also within the Sturtian glaciation.
Northern peatlands in permafrost regions contain a large amount of organic carbon (C) in the soil. Climate warming and associated permafrost degradation are expected to have significant impacts on the C balance of these ecosystems, but the magnitude is uncertain. We incorporated a permafrost model, Northern Ecosystem Soil Temperature (NEST), into a biogeochemical model, DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC), to model C dynamics in high-latitude peatland ecosystems. The enhanced model was applied to assess effects of permafrost thaw on C fluxes of a subarctic peatland at Stordalen, Sweden. DNDC simulated soil freeze-thaw dynamics, net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE), and CH4 fluxes across three typical land cover types, which represent a gradient in the process of ongoing permafrost thaw at Stordalen. Model results were compared with multiyear field measurements, and the validation indicates that DNDC was able to simulate observed differences in seasonal soil thaw, NEE, and CH4 fluxes across the three land cover types. Consistent with the results from field studies, the modeled C fluxes across the permafrost thaw gradient demonstrate that permafrost thaw and the associated changes in soil hydrology and vegetation not only increase net uptake of C from the atmosphere but also increase the annual to decadal radiative forcing impacts on climate due to increased CH4 emissions. This study indicates the potential of utilizing biogeochemical models, such as DNDC, to predict the soil thermal regime in permafrost areas and to investigate impacts of permafrost thaw on ecosystem C fluxes after incorporating a permafrost component into the model framework.
BACKGROUND: The Subclass Coleoidea (Class Cephalopoda) accommodates the diverse present-day internally shelled cephalopod mollusks (Spirula, Sepia and octopuses, squids, Vampyroteuthis) and also extinct internally shelled cephalopods. Recent Spirula represents a unique coleoid retaining shell structures, a narrow marginal siphuncle and globular protoconch that signify the ancestry of the subclass Coleoidea from the Paleozoic subclass Bactritoidea. This hypothesis has been recently supported by newly recorded diverse bactritoid-like coleoids from the Carboniferous of the USA, but prior to this study no fossil cephalopod indicative of an endochochleate branch with an origin independent from subclass Bactritoidea has been reported.
METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Two orthoconic conchs were recovered from the Early Eocene of Seymour Island at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica. They have loosely mineralized organic-rich chitin-compatible microlaminated shell walls and broadly expanded central siphuncles. The morphological, ultrustructural and chemical data were determined and characterized through comparisons with extant and extinct taxa using Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM/EDS).
CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study presents the first evidence for an evolutionary lineage of internally shelled cephalopods with independent origin from Bactritoidea/Coleoidea, indicating convergent evolution with the subclass Coleoidea. A new subclass Paracoleoidea Doguzhaeva n. subcl. is established for accommodation of orthoconic cephalopods with the internal shell associated with a broadly expanded central siphuncle. Antarcticerida Doguzhaeva n. ord., Antarcticeratidae Doguzhaeva n. fam., Antarcticeras nordenskjoeldi Doguzhaeva n. gen., n. sp. are described within the subclass Paracoleoidea. The analysis of organic-rich shell preservation of A. nordenskjoeldi by use of SEM/EDS techniques revealed fossilization of hyposeptal cameral soft tissues. This suggests that a depositional environment favoring soft-tissue preservation was the factor enabling conservation of the weakly mineralized shell of A. nordenskjoeldi.
Calcareous dinoflagellates are considered to be a monophyletic group of peridinoid taxa that have the potential to produce calcified exoskeletal structures during the life cycle, or that derive from such forms. Frequently, these calcareous bodies are excellently preserved in the fossil record and have received increased attention during the past three decades with regard to their use in biostratigraphy, climate and environmental reconstruction. Fossil and extant taxa have been classified in various, partly concurring, systematic concepts, using character complexes of the theca, cyst wall ultrastructure and archaeopyle/operculum morphology. The significance of such character complexes is briefly discussed in the light of molecular data that have been accumulated during the past decade. Over the years, the number of published taxonomic names has increased, partly due to nomenclatural changes. We propose that the entirety of calcareous dinoflagellates, and non-calcareous relatives derived from them, is accommodated in a single family of the order Peridiniales, the Thoracosphaeraceae, combining the former segregated taxonomic units Calciodinelloideae, a subfamily within Peridiniaceae, and Thoracosphaerales, a separate dinoflagellate order. As a result of a meeting of calcareous dinoflagellate specialists, we outline major subjects that are in need of re-investigation and -evaluation (an Agenda for Calcareous Dinoflagellate Research). In order to contribute to a consistent and stable nomenclature and taxonomy of calcareous dinoflagellates, we list 97 published generic names assigned to known calcareous dinoflagellates in a nomenclatural synopsis, with species names indicating their types and information on type locality and stratigraphy. We evaluate the status of these names—whether validly published and, if so, whether legitimate—,a crucial first step for any revisionary work in the future.
Trigger core 07, is a 53 cm long sediment core that was collected during the Danish-Swedish expedition “Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland 2012” on the slope of the Lomonosov Ridge in the Arctic Ocean at a depth of 2522 m. This part of the world has experienced critical environmental changes during the Quaternary. Ice-sheets have advanced and retreated, and deposited sediments through all the Arctic Ocean. Glacial sediments contain coarser material and are gray, whereas interglacial sediments are brown, because of high amounts of manganese, and consist of fine-grained material. The aim of this project is to make grain size analysis on TC 07 with the purpose to make an interpretation of the grain size data in relation to glaciation history and paleo-oceanography. For that, a correlation with piston core 07 has been made, and also a correlation between piston core 07 and the Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX. The results showed that fine-grained material is more abundant in the top brown unit down to 32 cm, suggesting an interglacial period. This is followed by a gray-beige unit that goes down to 49 cm, and consist of coarser material, indicating glacial deposits. This unit can be linked to the Marine Isotope Stage 2, MIS 2, which began approximately 29000 years ago and ended about 14000 years ago
Nineteen ichnotaxa, together with algal and invertebrate remains, and various pseudo-traces and sedimentary structures are described from the Torneträsk Formation exposed near Lake Torneträsk, Lapland, Sweden, representing a marked increase in the diversity of biotic traces recorded from this unit. The “lower siltstone” interval of the Torneträsk Formation contains mostly simple pascichnia, fodinichnia and domichnia burrows and trails of low-energy shoreface to intertidal settings. The assemblage has very few forms characteristic of high-energy, soft-sediment, foreshore or upper shoreface environments (representative of the Skolithos ichnofacies).
Uranium-lead (U-Pb) LA-ICPMS analysis of zircon from a thin claystone layer within the “lower siltstone” interval yielded a maximum depositional age of 584 ± 13 Ma, mid-Ediacaran. Most of the zircon is represented by rounded detrital grains that yield dates between 3.3 and 1.0 Ga. Although the age of the basal sandstone-dominated interval of the Torneträsk Formation remains elusive owing to the absence of fossils, the ichnofossil suite from the overlying “lower siltstone” interval lacks deep arthropod trackways, such as Rusophycus and Cruziana, and is suggestive of a very early (Terreneuvian, possibly Fortunian) Cambrian age. The ichnofauna is otherwise similar to early Cambrian trace fossil assemblages from other parts of Baltica, regions further south in modern Europe, and from Greenland.
The lower Cambrian Vakkejokk Breccia is a proximal ejecta layer from a shallow marine impact. It is exposed for ~7 km along a steep mountainside in Lapland, northernmost Sweden. In its central parts, the layer is up to ~27 m thick. Here the breccia shows a vertical differentiation into (1) a lower subunit consisting of strongly deformed target sediments mixed with up to decameter size, mainly crystalline basement clasts (i.e., lower polymict breccia [LPB]); (2) a middle subunit consisting of a polymict, blocky to gravelly breccia, commonly graded (i.e., graded polymict breccia [GPB]), that, in turn, is sporadically overlain by (3) a few dm thick, sandy bed (i.e., top sandstone [TS]). Previous work interpreted the graded beds as deposited by resurging water during early crater modification. We made three short (<1.35 m) core drillings through the graded beds. The line-logging technique previously used on cores from other marine-target craters was complemented by logging of equal-sized cells in photos made along the cores. Granulometry and clast lithology determinations provide further evidence for the top beds of the breccia being resurge deposits. However, the magnitude of this resurge can only be assessed by future deep core drilling of the infill of the crater hidden below the mountain.
New fossil discoveries are reported from the Grammajukku Formation at Luobákte south of Lake Torneträsk in northern Swedish Lapland, including a fauna of Small Shelly Fossils (SSF) from a limestone bed in the uppermost part of the formation and new occurrences of brachiopods and trilobites in siltstones of the lower part of the formation. The moderately diverse SSF fauna is the first of its kind reported from the Swedish Caledonides and includes the first record of the tommotiid Lapworthella schodackensis and the bradoriid spine Mongolitubulus spinosus from Baltica, together with fragmentary specimens of Bradoria sp. and remains of one additional bradoriid arthropod, a protoconodont and a helcionelloid mollusc. In addition, the limestone bed yields abundant specimens of the brachiopods Botsfordia cf. caelata and Eoobolus cf. priscus and an unidentified ellipsocephalid trilobite. Lower down in the Grammajukku Formation, specimens of both brachiopod taxa, orthothecid hyoliths, the trilobite Ellipsocephalus cf. gripi and an unidentified holmiid trilobite were found at several levels in a siltstone, previously regarded as unfossiliferous. These discoveries markedly increase the known diversity of the palaeobiota from the Grammajukku Formation in northern Lapland and provide new insights into the biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the lower Cambrian in Scandinavia and the palaeobiogeography of Cambrian faunas in general.
Abstract The origin of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) associated with continental breakup and the reconstruction of continents older than ca. 320 million years (pre-Pangea) are contentious research problems. Here we study the petrology of a 615?590 Ma dolerite dyke complex that intruded rift basins of the magma-rich margin of Baltica and now is exposed in the Scandinavian Caledonides. These dykes are part of the Central Iapetus Magmatic Province (CIMP), a LIP emplaced in Baltica and Laurentia during opening of the Caledonian Wilson Cycle. The >1,000-km-long dyke complex displays lateral geochemical zonation from enriched to depleted basaltic compositions from south to north. Geochemical modelling of major and trace elements shows these compositions are best explained by melting hot mantle 75?250 °C above ambient mantle. Although the trace element modelling solutions are nonunique, the best explanation involves melting a laterally zoned mantle plume with enriched and depleted peridotite lithologies, similar to present-day Iceland and to the North Atlantic Igneous Province. The origin of CIMP appears to have involved several mantle plumes. This is best explained if rifting and breakup magmatism coincided with plume generation zones at the margins of a Large Low Shear-wave Velocity Province (LLSVP) at the core mantle boundary. If the LLSVPs are quasi-stationary back in time as suggested in recent geodynamic models, the CIMP provides a guide for reconstructing the paleogeography of Baltica and Laurentia 615 million years ago to the LLSVP now positioned under the Pacific Ocean. Our results provide a stimulus for using LIPs as piercing points for plate reconstructions.
During the last glacial–interglacial cycle, Arctic biotas experienced substantial climatic changes, yet the nature, extent and rate of their responses are not fully understood1–8. Here we report a large-scale environmental DNA metagenomic study of ancient plant and mammal communities, analysing 535 permafrost and lake sediment samples from across the Arctic spanning the past 50,000 years. Furthermore, we present 1,541 contemporary plant genome assemblies that were generated as reference sequences. Our study provides several insights into the long-term dynamics of the Arctic biota at the circumpolar and regional scales. Our key findings include: (1) a relatively homogeneous steppe–tundra flora dominated the Arctic during the Last Glacial Maximum, followed by regional divergence of vegetation during the Holocene epoch; (2) certain grazing animals consistently co-occurred in space and time; (3) humans appear to have been a minor factor in driving animal distributions; (4) higher effective precipitation, as well as an increase in the proportion of wetland plants, show negative effects on animal diversity; (5) the persistence of the steppe–tundra vegetation in northern Siberia enabled the late survival of several now-extinct megafauna species, including the woolly mammoth until 3.9 ± 0.2 thousand years ago (ka) and the woolly rhinoceros until 9.8 ± 0.2 ka; and (6) phylogenetic analysis of mammoth environmental DNA reveals a previously unsampled mitochondrial lineage. Our findings highlight the power of ancient environmental metagenomics analyses to advance understanding of population histories and long-term ecological dynamics.