The distribution and ecology of insects in arctic regions are poorly known. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of galling sawflies in the Canadian arctic and their oviposition preference. The Swedish Tundra Northwest 1999 expedition visited 17 sites in the Canadian arctic. We determined the occurrence of galling sawflies at all the sites and studied the oviposition preference of two leaf-galling sawflies, Eupontania arctica and Pontania nivalis, on Salix reticulata and S. glauca, respectively. Galling sawflies were abundant at only one site, the mainland site at Ivvavik National Park. Only a few galls in total were found at the remaining sites, suggesting that galling sawflies are rare in the higher arctic, and potential explanations for this pattern are discussed. Shoots with leaf galls were longer than shoots without galls on both S. reticulata and S. glauca. These differences could not be explained by a higher number of leaves on longer shoots. This suggests that long shoots are preferred by sawflies because of faster development and better survival of larvae on long shoots.
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