Biogeografisk uppföljning 2020 av dagfjärilar inomhabitatdirektivet
Responsible organisation
2021 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)Alternative title
Nationwide monitoring of butterflies of the EUHabitats Directive 2020 (English)
Abstract [sv]
Rapporten sammanfattar fjärilsinventeringar utförda 2020 inom Biogeografisk uppföljning som drivs avNaturvårdsverket. I fjällområdet kunde totalt 49 ytor inventeras. Sammanlagt noterades 151 högnordiskablåvingar på 22 inventerade ytor, 53 dvärgpärlemorfjärilar på 25 ytor och minst 1 fjällsilversmygarenoterades på 3 inventerade ytor. Svartfläckig blåvinge observerades på 15 av 50 inventerade lokaler.Totalt noterades minst 62 individer och tillsammans med data från Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning täcktesen stor del av artens förekomstområde. Brun gräsfjäril inventerades på 62 lokaler i Dalarnas,Gävleborgs, Värmlands, Västra Götalands och Örebro län. Inventeringen resulterade i minst 788observerade individer. Dårgräsfjäril inventerades på totalt 15 lokaler i Östergötlands och i Gotlands län.Totalt observerades 2422 individer varav 1960 sågs på Gotland och resterande 462 i Östergötland.Väddnätfjäril och asknätfjäril inventeras med räkning av larvkolonier i augusti-september. Totaltinventerades 82 lokaler och 8002 larvkolonier av väddnätfjäril noterades. Asknätfjäril inventerades på 5lokaler i Uppsala län, 15 lokaler i Örebro län samt 26 lokaler i Stockholms län med totalt 3118 noteradelarvkolonier. Apollofjäril inventerades med slingor på totalt 39 lokaler i Gotlands, Kalmar, Södermanlandsoch Östergötlands län och minst 237 individer observerades. Mnemosynefjäril inventerades på 34lokaler i Blekinge, Stockholms, Uppsala och Västernorrlands län med totalt 857 noterade individer.Violett guldvinge inventerades på 52 lokaler i Jämtlands, Norrbottens, Västernorrlands och Västerbottens län och totalt räknades minst 127 individer. Under övervakningsperioden minskade 1 art och 5arter ökade. Trenderna för övriga 4 arter var osäkra. För samtliga arter analyserades andelen lokaler i,respektive utanför, skyddad natur i de tre biog
Abstract [en]
This report summarizes the monitoring of butterflies and moths during 2020 within theBiogeographical Monitoring operated by Naturvårdsverket, the Swedish EnvironmentalProtection Agency. This project includes the monitoring of eleven butterfly species and onemoth species, all listed in the EU Habitats Directive. Three of the butterfly species can befound in the northernmost part of Sweden and during this year a total of 49 areas weremonitored. The Arctic Blue (Agriades aquilo) was surveyed in 22 areas and a total of 151individuals were found. The Dusky-winged Fritillary, Boloria improba, was surveyed in 25areas with a total of 53 individuals found. At least 1 individual of Hesperia comma catena wasfound on a total of 3 surveyed sites. Large Blue (Phengaris arion) was observed with at least 62individuals in 15 out of 50 surveyed areas and combined with the data from the SwedishButterfly Monitoring Scheme the area of occupancy of this species can be considered to be wellcovered within its Swedish range. The Scarce Heath (Coenonympha hero) was monitored in 62areas in Dalarna, Gävleborg, Värmland and Västra Götaland counties with at least 788individuals noted. The Woodland Brown (Lopinga achine) was recorded with 1960 individualsin 7 areas on Gotland and 462 individuals in 8 areas in Östergötland county. Marsh Fritillary(Euphydryas aurinia) and Scarce Fritillary (Euphydryas maturna) are both monitored bycounting larval colonies during August-September. The Marsh Fritillary was monitored in 82areas with a total of 8002 larvae colonies. The Scarce Fritillary was monitored in 5 areas inUppsala, 15 areas in Örebro and 26 areas in Stockholm with a total of 3118 colonies in thesecounties. The Apollo (Parnassius apollo) was monitored by using transects at 39 sites in thecounties of Gotland, Kalmar, Södermanland and Östergötland counties and at least 237individuals were observed. The Clouded Apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne) was monitored in 34areas in Blekinge, Stockholm, Uppsala and Västernorrland counties with a total of 857individuals. The Violet Copper (Lycaena helle) was surveyed in 52 areas in Jämtland,Norrbotten, Västernorrland, and Västerbotten counties with a total of at least 127 individualsobserved. Over the period covered, 1 species declined, 5 increased, and 4 species had uncertaintrends. For all species, the distribution of sites within and outside protected areas in the threebiogeographic zones was analysed. The percentage of sites within protected areas was highest inthe alpine and continental zones.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Lunds universitet , 2021. , p. 40
Keywords [sv]
Dagfjärilar, Lepidoptera, fjärilar, gräsmarker, fjäll, monitoring, ökningar, minskningar, Natura 2000, skyddad natur
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:polar:diva-8937ISBN: 978-91-7895-743-9 (print)ISBN: 978-91-7895-744-6 (electronic)OAI:, id: diva2:1716321
2022-12-052022-12-052022-12-05Bibliographically approved