During disturbed geomagnetic conditions, the energetic particles in the inner magnetosphere are known to undergo precipitation loss due to interaction with various plasma waves. This study, investigates the energetic particle precipitation events statistically using coordinate observations from the ground riometer network and the inner-magnetospheric satellite mission, Arase. We have compared cosmic noise absorption (CNA) data obtained from the Finnish ground riometer network located in the auroral/sub-auroral latitudes with the comprehensive data set of omnidirectional electron/proton flux and plasma waves in ELF/VLF frequency range from the Arase satellite during the overpass intervals. The study period includes one and a half years of data between March 2017 and September 2018 covering Arase conjunctions with the riometer stations from all magnetic local time sectors. The relation between the plasma flux/waves observed at the satellite with the riometer absorptions are investigated statistically for CNA (absorption >0.5 dB) and non-CNA (absorption <0.5 dB) cases separately. During CNA events, Arase observed elevated electron flux in the medium energy range (2–100 keV), and plasma wave activity in the whistler-mode frequency range (0.5–3 kHz) of the spectra. Our study provides an estimate of the statistical dependence of the electron flux and plasma wave observations at Arase with the ground reality of actual precipitation.