In August 2013 the Oden Arctic Technology Research Cruise (OATRC2013) was undertaken in the Fram Strait, North-East Greenland. A ramming test by the icebreaker was one of the research tasks. The test was performed on an ice flow which included a large ice ridge, and a region of level ice spreading behind the ice ridge for several hundred meters. An ice station was established for data collection on the physical and mechanical properties of the ice ridge and level ice. Ice thickness, crystal structure, salinity, temperature, density, and uniaxial compressive strength were obtained for the level ice, and the morphology of the ice ridge was studied. Moreover, the accuracy of a prototype electromagnetic antenna EM-34 ICE was examined through the measurement of ice thickness on the ice station. The applicability of the electromagnetic antenna in proximity of the icebreaker (as in the vicinity of a massive metal body) was studied in particular. Some results of the fieldwork and workflow are presented and discussed. Data on ice properties can be useful for assessment of ice conditions and analysis of the ramming test, while description of the workflow can be used for planning of field operations.