The venous haemodynamic response to enforced exercise and acute temperature increase was examined in the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki (borch) to enable comparisons with the existing literature for temperate species, and investigate if the unusual cardiovascular response to temperature changes previously observed in the borch can be linked to an inability to regulate the venous vasculature. Routine central venous blood pressure (P(cv)) was 0.08 kPa and the mean circulatory filling pressure (P(mcf); an index of venous capacitance) was 0.14 kPa. Acute warming from 0 to 2.5 and 5 degrees C increased heart rate (f(H)), while dorsal aortic blood pressure (P(da)) decreased. P(mcf) did not change, while P(cv) decreased significantly at 5 degrees C. This contrasts with the venoconstriction previously observed in rainbow trout in response to increased temperature. Exercise resulted in small increases in P(mcf) and P(cv), a response that was abolished by alpha-adrenoceptor blockade. This study demonstrates that the heart of P. borchgrevinki normally operates at positive filling pressures (i.e. P(cv)) and that venous capacitance can be actively regulated by an alpha-adrenergic mechanism. The lack of decrease in venous capacitance during warming may suggest that a small increase in venous tone is offset by a passive temperature-mediated increase in compliance.